Welcome to Glasgow and West of Scotland DA (GWSDA)

Glasgow and West of Scotland DA is a District Association of the Camping and Caravanning Club, commonly referred to as the friendly club.
Glasgow and West of Scotland DA is a fantastic, fun and friendly way to get the most out of your club membership, meeting up with old friends and making new ones, whilst enjoying camping in some fantastic locations.
We meet on many weekends throughout the season on Club Sites and run temporary holiday sites as well.
A temporary holiday site is longer than a weekend can be a week to a month, these are generally in a field somewhere, your own sanitation is essential on these sites. However these meets are a very economical way of camping with a community spirit at the heart of them.
We look forward to seeing you whether its for a night, weekend or longer, we welcome all campers, those who use tents, trailer tents, caravans or motorhomes. Some of our meets require booking, you can find this information on the Out n About App, Out n About section in the magazine, here on the Website and or Facebook page.
We also have many youth campers who enjoy the benefits of Youth activities including Skiing, Paddle-boarding, Hiking, Curling and Youth only weekends at home and abroad. Contact us to find out more.
If you are new to DA camping, please make yourself known when you arrive on site, where you will be guaranteed a warm welcome and will soon be making new friends.
Please click here for more info about GWSDA.
Next Meets
The next event is the National AGM and Chairman's Dinner Dance.
The next meet after that will be FOL at Dunbar.
We hope to see you there.
Please click here for more info about our upcoming meets.
The new camping season is currently being planned in and confirmed. Join us for some pre season mmetups before the season kicks off.
Dave Batty's funeral mass will be held on the 18th December at the Sacred Heart Church, Penicuilk at 1pm. Followed by cremation at Mortonhall Crematorium at 3pm.
Please click here for GWSDA News.

Temporary Holiday Sites (THSs)
Throughout the year GWSDA hosts a number of THSs. These are meets that don't rely on Club Sites and are organised by the DA with the land owners to provide an area to camp together. Often these meets require you to provide your own facilities.
Please click here for more info about GWSDAs THSs.
Youth Area
The Camping & Caravanning Club has a vibrant youth section, it also provides many meets, activities and opportunities for it's youth members.
GWSDA's youth area is provided for by GWSDA while getting to participate in National and International meets and activities.
Please click here for more info about GWSDAs Youth Area.
During our many meets throughout the year we often take pictures of our travels, some of which we put on this website. If you've joined us on one of our meets and would like to submit some images, please let us know.
Please peruse a selection of images from our various meets and yearly events.
Please click here to view our galleries.